Main Snowboard Practice Times:
Tues & Thurs 19.30 – 22.30
Sun 18.00 – 20.30
Snowboarders are given a Rider’s Pass when they have been deemed competent enough to practice on their own (usually after the completion of the course of four beginner’s lessons or having one weeks experience on snow). If snowboarders have their own boots and board and a Rider’s pass they are permitted to practice during any practice time and are not restricted to just snowboard practice times. If a snowboarder has boarded on snow but have never been to Kilternan they must be assessed in order to receive a Rider’s Pass.
Practice sessions are currently €25 for an adult and €18 for those under age 18.

For details of practice rates please see our Prices
Rates include the use of snowboard and snowboard boots.